1. Not all turkeys are gluten free
- Many turkeys are soaked in a solution that has gluten in it or possibly injected with a solution that contains gluten.
Purchase only FRESH TURKEYS!
- Foster Farms FRESH Turkey
- Butterball FRESH Turkey
- Honeysuckle White FRESH Whole Turkey
- Norbest
- Shelton
- Perdue
2. Not all hams are gluten freeBelow is a list of companies that have gluten free hams and why you need to be careful when buying a ham. Always check the ingredient list to make sure nothing has changed. This is very important for any ham that says it is preglazed.
The quote below if from About.com."Ham is a holiday tradition in many homes. Hams, like turkey may be injected with a solution during processing that contains gluten. According to the following manufacturers, listed products are gluten-free. Always read labels carefully because not all products by these manufacturers are gluten-free."
- Hormel Canned Hams (Hormel has a gluten free list on their website - http://www.hormelfoods.com/brands/glutenfree/default.aspx)
Black Label® Canned Hams, Cure 81® Ham: Bone-in, Boneless, Old Fashioned Spiral Ham - Safeway Butcher Cut Spiral Sliced Ham (glaze packet is not gluten free)
- Safeway Butcher Cut Cooked Ham (95% Fat Free)
- Honeybaked Hams
- Farmland http://www.farmlandfoodservice.com/food/gluten-free-products/
- Farmer John - Made by Hormel
- Mary's Free Range - http://www.marysturkeys.com/
- Kirkland Signature Spiral Ham
- Beeler's Spiral Slice Ham - Nitrate Free also- Can be purchased at Roth's IGA
Below is a list of companies that have gluten free products to help you with your holiday shopping. (This is by no way a complete list. But I had to start somewhere) If you have a product you are questioning- go to links page and click on glutenfreeinsd.com. Then to manufacturers. If you still cannot find the answers you need please contact me.- Wilderness pie fillings
- Cool Whip whipped topping
- McCormick single spices including liquid flavorings like vanilla & almond
- Libby's pumpkin pie filling
- Carnation evaporated milk
- Jello brand pudding
- Oceanspray jellied cranberry sauce
- Oceanspray berry cranberry sauce
Below are recipes that I make for the holidays.
Wonderful Gluten-Free Sandwich Bread

- Snickers Pie

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